King Paimon is the 9th spirit of the Goetia in the Lesser Key of Solomon. Many sorcerers have worked with him, but I'd never had a reason to do so personally until recently. Some have said that Paimon is actually Azazel, and that may be true or it may not be, I have no real opinion on it.
I'd run in to a number of frustratingly persistent business problems, some of my own making due to attempting to grow my business too quickly and hiring more people than I actually needed. I was hoping that I could thereby extricate myself from the day-to-day operations somewhat, and get more into a managerial/sales role which is more my niche. That turned out to be a costly miscalculation on my part.
As usual, when I run into business problems I turn to magick, and this case was no different. Most times when I'm perplexed as to which spirit I will call upon for aid, I listen for the advice of my guardian/companion spirits or my servitors. In this particular instance, Paimon's name came through loudly and clearly, so I began researching him in order to become familiar with him. Then I did a tarot reading with him in mind to see how working with him was likely to turn out. After the reading turned out positive, I set a date to evoke Paimon.
The evocation was very simply done. I aligned with the West as it is said that he has his seat there, and arranged a few offerings for him along with some props. When he arrived, his presence was felt, and the fanfare which by many accounts usually accompanies him was also heard. I could see him in my mind's eye sitting upon the dromedary, although he was larger than I expected. He was very cordial, and I could sense that he and I would become allied to some degree as I felt very comfortable with him. I've felt that way before about other spirits, such as Belial, but this was a bit different in an indescribable way.
Anyway, I am pleased to say that as of yesterday, which was 11 days since I called upon him (I called upon him on the 11th), he came through with flying colors. Not only did he do everything I asked of him, he helped uproot the main problem, and also helped me see where I'd originally gone wrong. My petition was answered in an unexpected, yet very satisfactory way.
The humorous thing about it was that at the precise moment when I suddenly realized that he had been the one behind the positive developments of the past nearly two weeks, someone's car horn began blaring outside for an inordinately long time (this doesn't happen often in my neighborhood, especially not at 11:30 on a weeknight), which to me goes back to the "fanfare" that he is known for. It was like he was saying "helllooooo, it was meeeee". I found it funny and chuckled, telling him "well played".
I do look forward to calling upon him again. My thanks to King Paimon for his aid.
I'd run in to a number of frustratingly persistent business problems, some of my own making due to attempting to grow my business too quickly and hiring more people than I actually needed. I was hoping that I could thereby extricate myself from the day-to-day operations somewhat, and get more into a managerial/sales role which is more my niche. That turned out to be a costly miscalculation on my part.
As usual, when I run into business problems I turn to magick, and this case was no different. Most times when I'm perplexed as to which spirit I will call upon for aid, I listen for the advice of my guardian/companion spirits or my servitors. In this particular instance, Paimon's name came through loudly and clearly, so I began researching him in order to become familiar with him. Then I did a tarot reading with him in mind to see how working with him was likely to turn out. After the reading turned out positive, I set a date to evoke Paimon.
The evocation was very simply done. I aligned with the West as it is said that he has his seat there, and arranged a few offerings for him along with some props. When he arrived, his presence was felt, and the fanfare which by many accounts usually accompanies him was also heard. I could see him in my mind's eye sitting upon the dromedary, although he was larger than I expected. He was very cordial, and I could sense that he and I would become allied to some degree as I felt very comfortable with him. I've felt that way before about other spirits, such as Belial, but this was a bit different in an indescribable way.
Anyway, I am pleased to say that as of yesterday, which was 11 days since I called upon him (I called upon him on the 11th), he came through with flying colors. Not only did he do everything I asked of him, he helped uproot the main problem, and also helped me see where I'd originally gone wrong. My petition was answered in an unexpected, yet very satisfactory way.
The humorous thing about it was that at the precise moment when I suddenly realized that he had been the one behind the positive developments of the past nearly two weeks, someone's car horn began blaring outside for an inordinately long time (this doesn't happen often in my neighborhood, especially not at 11:30 on a weeknight), which to me goes back to the "fanfare" that he is known for. It was like he was saying "helllooooo, it was meeeee". I found it funny and chuckled, telling him "well played".
I do look forward to calling upon him again. My thanks to King Paimon for his aid.